Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Eve: More fun from Cool POS

It is not "pose", it is "POS". POS is abbreviated form of Player Owned Structure established around the satellite. And it is a generic terms of Eve Online game's movable Architectural complex, also it is called the home-star architecture.
It is a outstanding and remarkable feature in the Eve Online.

The Function of POS is of plenty varieties including announcing the sovereign rights of satellite, protecting allies' warships, collecting satellites, producing secondary raw materials, making all kinds of warships and equipments, researching blueprint, refining mines and equipping ships and so on. For a legion, POS is just like a ceaselessly throbbing heart transporting fresh blood full of oxygen to every influence-flung corner providing comprehensive support for legions. All the POS's architectures can be bought in the Eve's markets and sent to constructing site besides the satellite by transporting ships, and then scan in the control tower, and then the small house has its initial form. Every architecture has its own unique function and dominates a important position in the entire POS's operation. 

Control tower is called CT in short, and it the hinge of any POS. All the home-star architectures are deployed centering control tower which is in charge of providing energy and force field protecting them. If players are not online to start the control power, then they can do nothing in Eve Online. Through control tower players can administrate other architectures' operation. Besides, CT takes charge of POS's defense system determining what kind of force field can enter and what cannot. Totally, there are four kinds of CT which respectively belongs to the families and have their own family's characters.

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